Unveiling the Power of Liquefied Natural Gas. Explore the transformative world of LNG through our blog, where we unravel the processes, trends, and impact of this cleaner-burning energy source. Stay informed about LNG's role in shaping the future of global energy and sustainability.

Weekly Power Outlet US - Week 32

Energy Market Update 🔌

Weekly Power Outlet US - Week 32

LNG Labor Strike, EPA vs ISO, PJM State Testimony Energy Market Update Week #32, brought to you by Acumen. For More Updates Like This, Subscribe Here! Weekly_Power_Outlet_08112023Weekly_Power_Outlet_08112023.pdf757 KBdownload-circle For those that follow us on this blog or have had conversations about electricity markets,

By Mark Perman - Director, Energy Solutions, Justin Siemens - Specialist Consultant, Energy Services
Weekly Power Outlet US - Week 28

Energy Market Update 🔌

Weekly Power Outlet US - Week 28

EIA Storage, Summer Weather, and LNG. Energy Market Update Week #28, brought to you by Acumen. For More Updates Like This, Subscribe Here! Weekly Power Outlet 07142023Weekly_Power_Outlet_07142023.pdf728 KBdownload-circle The front month of natural gas sold off 3% yesterday after the EIA storage number was slightly below

By Mark Perman - Director, Energy Solutions, Justin Siemens - Specialist Consultant, Energy Services