
Transmission is a crucial phase of the power distribution process where high-voltage electricity is transported efficiently from power generation sources, such as power plants or renewable energy facilities, to local distribution networks and eventually to homes, businesses, and industries. This essential component of the electrical grid ensures that electricity generated at one location can reach its intended destinations, powering our modern world reliably and efficiently.

Weekly Power Outlet US - Week 26

Energy Market Update 🔌

Weekly Power Outlet US - Week 26

Transmission Report Card, Wind, and Happy Birthday! Energy Market Update Week 26, brought to you by Acumen. For More Updates Like This, Subscribe Here! Weekly Power Outlet 06302023Weekly_Power_Outlet_06302023.pdf678 KBdownload-circle One of our soapbox topics has consistently been transmission. Unless the need for more transmission is addressed,

By Mark Perman - Director, Energy Solutions, Justin Siemens - Specialist Consultant, Energy Services
Weekly Power Outlet US - Week 18

Energy Market Update 🔌

Weekly Power Outlet US - Week 18

Natural Gas Recap, AEP Update from Quarterly, and Transmission. Energy Market Update Week 18, brought to you by Acumen. For More Updates Like This, Subscribe Here! Weekly Power Outlet 05052023Weekly_Power_Outlet_05052023.pdf726 KBdownload-circle The EIA storage data showed a build of 54 MMBtu in yesterday's report, which was

By Mark Perman - Director, Energy Solutions, Justin Siemens - Specialist Consultant, Energy Services
Weekly Power Outlet US - Week 8

Energy Market Update 🔌

Weekly Power Outlet US - Week 8

Cheniere Energy Announcements, the BASF, and Transmission Line (ROFR). Energy Market Update Week 8, brought to you by Acumen. For More Updates Like This, Subscribe Here! Weekly Power Outlet - Week 8Weekly_Power_Outlet_02242023.pdf744 KBdownload-circle Yesterday we published a blog post discussing some trends that may add to

By Mark Perman - Director, Energy Solutions, Justin Siemens - Specialist Consultant, Energy Services