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Weekly Power Outlet US - Week 22

Energy Market Update πŸ”Œ

Weekly Power Outlet US - Week 22

More Senate Testimony, EIA Storage, and New Oil Index. Energy Market Update Week 22, brought to you by Acumen. For More Updates Like This, Subscribe Here! Weekly Power Outlet 06022023Weekly_Power_Outlet_06022023.pdf724 KBdownload-circle Yesterday the US Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources continued hearings on the reliability

By Mark Perman - Director, Energy Solutions, Justin Siemens - Specialist Consultant, Energy Services
Weekly Power Outlet US - Week 19

Energy Market Update πŸ”Œ

Weekly Power Outlet US - Week 19

EIA, DOE Budget, and FERC Testimony. Energy Market Update Week 19, brought to you by Acumen. For More Updates Like This, Subscribe Here! Weekly Power Outlet 05122023Weekly_Power_Outlet_05122023.pdf707 KBdownload-circle Since natural gas is the main driver in US electricity prices, we usually mention the weekly EIA storage

By Mark Perman - Director, Energy Solutions, Justin Siemens - Specialist Consultant, Energy Services
Weekly Power Outlet US - Week 8

Energy Market Update πŸ”Œ

Weekly Power Outlet US - Week 8

Cheniere Energy Announcements, the BASF, and Transmission Line (ROFR). Energy Market Update Week 8, brought to you by Acumen. For More Updates Like This, Subscribe Here! Weekly Power Outlet - Week 8Weekly_Power_Outlet_02242023.pdf744 KBdownload-circle Yesterday we published a blog post discussing some trends that may add to

By Mark Perman - Director, Energy Solutions, Justin Siemens - Specialist Consultant, Energy Services